Sunday, November 12, 2017

Growth Mindset: Fears

Video: YouTube

I really enjoyed this Ted Talk. Karen had a lot of great insights about fear. I hadn't ever thought about how they can be like stories. However, I see where she got that. When you are afraid of something happening your mind writes out the worst possible scenario and creates a story to prepare you for the worst. I also liked how she used the story that inspired Moby Dick in her presentation. She mentioned that the sailors chose the fear that was most vivid for them. Even though the ones that aren't as vivid may be more likely to harm you.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! Wow, a lot of the things she says are so relevant. I have always been a strong believer in that the only things that stop us from getting what we want is us ourselves. It's true, fear can do crazy things to the mind, and it's not until we actually go through with something that these thoughts diminish. But actually getting there is the hard part!
